Bloody Road to Death

The Bloody Road to Death - Sven Hassel

“This novel holds a dramatic brutality in all its beauty”


La Notte, Italy




“A rising and falling rumble sounds continuously, broken now and then by the chatter of machine guns. The earth beneath us seems to shiver like a dying animal…

As soon as we get the order to fall out, we drag ourselves into the huts and drop down half-dead. The company was supposed to have held Deadman’s Heights for another three days, but the company has gone out of existence. The greater part of us lie in mass graves. The lucky ones are in the field hospital. Deadman’s Heights are just what the name implies. A hell on earth for the living…”

“Because of the magnitude of our losses at Stalingrad and the catastrophic shortage of reserve troops, our Führer has decreed that the period of pregnancy shall with immediate effect be reduced from nine to six months.”

Obergefreiter Joseph Porta speaking to Obergefreiter Wolfgang
Creutzfeldt, Salonica, spring 1943.

Translated into the following languages as:

BRAZILIAN: A Rota Sangrienta
CHINESE: (Bloody Road to Death)
CROATIAN: Krvavi put Smrti
CZECH: Krvava Cesta na Smrt
DANISH (org. language): Glemt af Gud
DUTCH: Regiment des Doods
ENGLISH: Bloody Road to Death
FINNISH: Herran Hylkäämät
FRENCH: Oubliés de Dieu
GERMAN: Von Gott vergessen
HUNGARIAN: Menetjegy a pokolpa
ICELANDIC: Gudi Gleydir
ITALIAN: Ultimo Assalto
NORWEGIAN: Glemt av Gud
POlISH: Krwawa Droga do Smierci
PORTUGUESE: Esqueicidos de Deus
ROMANIAN: Drum Sangeros Catre Moarte
SERBIAN: Kravi Put Smrti
SPANISH: La Ruta Sangrienta
SWEDISH: Den Blodiga Vägen
TURKISH: Ölümün Kanli Yolu